FizzBuzz Problem – Python

The FizzBuzz problem is a well-known programming challenge often used in coding interviews. In this article, we will explore the FizzBuzz function written in Python, breaking down its components and providing a clear understanding of how it operates.

FizzBuzz Code

Let’s write the implementation of the FizzBuzz problem:

def fizzbuzz(n):
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0:
        elif i % 3 == 0:
        elif i % 5 == 0:

# Example usage


  1. The function fizzbuzz(n) is defined to accept one parameter, n.
  2. The for loop iterates from 1 to n (inclusive). The range(1, n + 1) function generates a sequence of numbers starting from 1 up to n.
  3. Conditional Logic:
    • The first condition checks if i is divisible by both 3 and 5. If true, it prints “FizzBuzz”.
    • The second condition checks if i is divisible by 3. If true, it prints “Fizz”.
    • The third condition checks if i is divisible by 5. If true, it prints “Buzz”.
    • If none of the conditions are met, it simply prints the number i.

When you call fizzbuzz(100), the function will print the numbers from 1 to 100, replacing multiples of 3 with “Fizz”, multiples of 5 with “Buzz”, and multiples of both with “FizzBuzz”.