What is CSS? 

CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) defines the style and layout of HTML elements, enhancing web page appearance. It can be linked or embedded in HTML documents.

Explain Padding & Margin in CSS?

Padding creates space inside an element, between the content and border. Margin creates space outside an element, between it and surrounding elements.

What are pseudo-classes in CSS?  

Pseudo-classes in CSS apply styles based on an element's state, position, or user interaction. Examples include :hover, :checked, and :first-child.

Explain z-index property in CSS 

The z-index property sets the stack order of positioned elements. Elements with a higher z-index appear above those with a lower z-index.

CSS Grid layout Vs Flexbox

CSS Grid is for two-dimensional layout system [Rows & Columns] and flexbox is for one-dimensional layouts [Either a row or a column].

This list of CSS interview questions will be helpful for both beginners and experienced frontend interviews