The Ultimate List of React Interview Questions

React JS, commonly referred to as React, is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications where the goal is to create a fast, interactive, and dynamic user experience.

React JS MCQ

Developed and maintained by Facebook, React allows developers to create reusable UI components, manage the state of applications efficiently, and build large-scale applications with ease.

In this article, we will share some React JS MCQ questions with answers that helps you to prepare for your next interview.

Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

Q1. Which method in React is used to update the state of a component?

  • updateState()
  • setState()
  • refreshState()
  • changeState()
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Q2. Using which of the following command can prevent default behaviour at in react?

  • preventDefault()
  • prevent()
  • avoidDefault()
  • None of the above
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Q3. How do you pass data to a child component in React?

  • Using states
  • Using props
  • Using context
  • Using hooks
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Using Props

Q4. Which hook is used to handle side effects in a functional component?

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useReducer
  • useContext
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Q5. What is used to handle code-splitting?

  • React.memo
  • React.lazy
  • React.fallback
  • React.context
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Q6. What is the purpose of useCallback in React?

  • To manage component state
  • To prevent unnecessary re-renders of functions
  • To handle side effects
  • To create ref objects
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To prevent unnecessary re-renders of functions

Q7. What will happen if you call setState() with the same state repeatedly?

  • It will re-render the component each time
  • It will cause an error
  • React will skip the re-render if the state is the same
  • It will log a warning to the console
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React will skip the re-render if the state is the same

Q8. How can you prevent a function from being recreated on every render?

  • By using useMemo
  • By using useCallback
  • By using useRef
  • By using useEffect
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By using useCallback

Q9. Which of the following is used to describe more about React application ?

  • Declarative
  • Integrated
  • Closed
  • Impressive
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Q10. Which hook would you use to persist a value across renders without causing re-renders?

  • useState
  • useMemo
  • useCallback
  • useRef
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Q11. What is the return type of useState hook?

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An array with two elements

Q12. When does the function passed to useEffect run?

  • After every render
  • Before every render
  • Only on mount
  • Only on unmount
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After every render

Q13. What can you pass as a second argument to useEffect to control when it runs?

  • A string
  • An array
  • An object
  • A function
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An array

Q14. Which hook is used to dispatch actions in a functional component?

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useReducer
  • useContext
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Q15. What is the purpose of the dependency array in useEffect?

  • To specify the initial state
  • To determine when to run the effect
  • To create context values
  • To prevent re-renders
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To determine when to run the effect

Q16. What is the default value of the props parameter in a React component?

  • null
  • undefined
  • An empty array
  • An empty object
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An empty object

Q17. How do you handle events in React?

  • Using HTML event attributes
  • Using JavaScript event listeners
  • Using React event handlers
  • Using CSS event properties
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Using React event handlers

Q18. What is a synthetic event in React?

  • A native browser event
  • An event created by the React library
  • An event used for debugging
  • An event triggered by CSS
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An event created by the React library

Q19. How do you handle asynchronous operations in a React component?

  • Using setTimeout
  • Using async/await or promises within useEffect
  • Using synchronous code
  • Using the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method
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Using async/await or promises within useEffect

Q20. What is the main difference between useEffect and useLayoutEffect?

  • useEffect runs synchronously, useLayoutEffect runs asynchronously
  • useEffect runs after paint, useLayoutEffect runs before paint
  • useEffect is for side effects, useLayoutEffect is for DOM mutations
  • useEffect and useLayoutEffect are interchangeable
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useEffect runs after paint, useLayoutEffect runs before paint

Q21. What is ReactJS mainly used for building?

  • Database
  • Connectivity
  • User Interface
  • Design Platform
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User Interface

Q22. What is ref used for ?

  • To bind the function
  • To call a function
  • To directly access the DOM node
  • To refer to another JS file
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To directly access the DOM node

Q23. How many elements can a valid react component return?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
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Q24. A state in React.js is also known as?

  • The internal storage of a component
  • External storage of the component
  • Permanent storage
  • All of the above
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The internal storage of a component